Posts Tagged 'south park'

Cesar Millan vs. Cartman on South Park

In case you haven’t noticed, my wife and I ‘adopted’ a hybrid Belgian Shepherd last year, and he’s like the son we haven’t had yet. Neo (Twitter, Facebook) was the cutest little thing growing up, and when the little pisher was 4 months old, we got a trainer, first for puppy training and later on for full fledged discipline.

Neo, day 1 with us, age: 2.5 months

Almost everything we worked on with our trainer, Ceasr referred to in an episode, specifically the ‘pack leader‘ attitude, designed to show the dog who’s the boss. Especially effective is the ‘Tsst‘ sound, which is a way of correcting the dog when he’s doing something against his owner’s wishes or commands.

Cesar Millan vs. CartmanBecause Cesar is so effective at his work, South Park ‘enlisted’ him for a full episode back in May 2006, titled ‘Tsst‘ of course, where Cesar is brought in by Cartman’s mom to help her with some expert advice. I’ve embedded a short clip here, but you must check the full video over on Cesar’s site. Hilarious!!

This line just cracked me up, but there’s so much more on the full video: ‘Dogs bite each other on the neck to show dominance, and it can work equally as effective on a child. It doesn’t hurt the child, just letting him know we’re the dominant‘. Priceless!!

Full video on Cesar’s site.

And most important: Stay calm and assertive 🙂

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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