Posts Tagged 'facebook'

Scratch the N98 – give me a X6!

My bottom-line of the Nokia N97 review I posted last month was:

The N97 is a big leap for Nokia, but a small step compared to the mobile scene and the market’s expectations of the device. I can only hope Nokia will accept my feedback, because I believe the N98 can lead the pack, instead of merely joining it.

I’m glad to see Nokia has adopted some of my feedback, and although not introducing N98, they made some noise in Stuttgart this past week.

[picture of Nokia X6 from]

And allow me to amend my bottom-line: scratch the N98, give me the new Nokia X6. With the X6 Nokia introduced a phone that can truly lead the pack instead of just catching up. Although the X6 is officially the XpressMusic 5800 successor, its looks and specs are right at the top:

My only complaint still pertains to the CPU, which at 434MHz and 128MB I doubt it can match the iPhone’s 600MHz with 256MB (3Gs). Why not use the 600MHz ARM Cortex-A8 CPU deployed at the new N900? Not clear. And that is really a shame because Nokia has taken a big step with the X6 and introduced a phone that in my opinion can become a true iPhone Killer.

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What the F**K is Social Media. 1 Year Later.

Mornings are an excellent time to read, write and share. Shortly after the morning coffee and toast I head over to my GReader and start browsing the feeds, in a pre-defined order.
Ahuvah Berger recently joined the Blonde 2.0 team, which means we get to enjoy her super writing skills at least once a week (hopefully more dear.. ;-). After her last week’s post on Engaging the Masses comes this post, continuing where she left off, and linking to a wonderful deck at slideshare by Marta Kagan, What the F**K is Social Media. One Year After. In a long (83p) yet light presentation Marta goes over the basics of SM, adding some cool pictures and stats to back her points and strengthening her bottomline (p 53):

Slide 44 onwards highlights some business insights that are relevant to any company, like ‘93% of social media users believe a company should have a presence in social media’ and ‘85% of social media users believe that a company should go further than just having a presence and actually interact with its customers’. Innovative approaches, I know..

The entire deck is hilarious (although the language might not appeal to everyone) and the 83 slides are going fast, but all convey an important message, and I only hope that a fraction of the 128,000 views this deck received were made by corporations and business executives and not just by us marketers – we’re already advocating this F**King thing too.. 😉
[RSS subcribers: Please read this post at my blog to view the embed deck]

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New media rules! Here’s why

If someone needed a solid proof that new media is the king, Econsultancy gathered more statistics about social media services. The fact that facebook is the 4th largest country in the world is already known, but I was blown away from the fact #5:

It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million listeners. Terrestrial TV took 13 years to reach 50 million users. The internet took four years to reach 50 million people… In less than nine months, Facebook added 100 million users.

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

Just 4 years to reach 50,000,000 users (now there are some 1,200,000,000 global users), and in only 9 months facebook rounded up 100,000,000 new users. Unbelievable numbers!

Between those public stats lie some corporate stats as well, that emphasis the importance of new media and the impact it has on businesses, regardless of industry:

80% of companies use, (or are planning to use), LinkedIn as their primary tool to find employees during the course of this year. The site has just celebrated reaching their 45-millionth membership.

So yes, if you just landed on Earth, don’t waste your time and money buying 50″ LCD – get a laptop or netbook and start working the web.

Econsultancy – 20+ more mind-blowing social media statistics
Brian Solis – Everything you never knew about facebook

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Being effective AND measuring your success

Run into this survey at in one of my Google Alerts the other day. With all the plethora of information sources, I find it more difficult to focus on topics and trends that interest me, as well as joining in on conversations, so it’s good to know GAlerts still has some benefits.. 😉

The survey in hand was conducted between some 1,800 social media marketers in the US, asking them about the effectiveness of their practices – meaning which tactics they used, how effective those tactics were and how accurately can they measure such tactics. The results are not that surprising, but I would like to focus on next steps – how can we make those practices more effective and measured more accurately.

The first issue we’re seeing is the negative correlation between a tactic’s effectiveness vs. our ability to measure it accurately (graph below). The 3 most effective tactics are User reviews or ratings (47%), Blogger or online journalist relations (46%) and Forums or discussion groups (42%). When looking at the ‘Very accurately measured’ column, those tactics are ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th, respectively. With the expansion of broadband and the coming of web 2.0, everyone is a publisher, and thus consumers are more suspicious and don’t believe everything they read online. In the US the FTC are targeting bloggers’ freebies (PDF guidelines), and in the meantime there are some un-official guidelines on how to disclose and authenticate a sponsored conversation. In Israel on the other hand, things are moving slower (article in Hebrew).

The second issue pertains to hooking financial success with social marketing (graph below). It’s pretty obvious that social marketing is most effective for Brand reputation (39%), Brand awareness (37%) and Search engine results (38%). I’d like to point your attention to the Sales aspects of social marketing, Generate leads and Increase online sales. The marketers who were surveyed said that social marketing is not effective at Generating leads (35%) and Increasing online sales (46%). For social marketing to become bigger and better, we have to add revenues to the game, and being able to measure it. Dell are already showing the added value of their social activity on twitter, a new study finds correlation between social media and financial success and George Colony urges CEO to understand that social marketing is here to stay.

If we want social marketing to rock, Sales indicators must be inherent to any social campaign. It’s OK to start small, but start somewhere. Move the conversation from brand (only) to revenues as well. And one last request – be honest to your readers.

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Nokia N97 Screenshots

By now you’re probably aware that I got the new Nokia N97 for a 1 month trial. I posted an elaborate review of the N97 (in Hebrew) yesterday, and I plan on writing a detailed review here as well, following my initial post.

In the meanwhile, I’ve uploaded some screenshots to facebook, showing some of the N97 features. As I screenshot pretty often, I’m sure that album will expand. If there’s anything specific you’d like to see or hear my opinion about, let me know. Screenshots were taken using Best Screen Snap for S60 (free). Note that in landscape mode some pictures came out distorted. Portrait mode is much better.

Nokia N97 review (in Hebrew)
First 4 hours with the N97
Nokia N97 Screenshots (facebook)

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.