This post is for all the people reading my blog via your favorite RSS reader. I’ve made some design changes. No, that doesn’t change the RSS link, which remains the same:
Couple of things have changed, but before addressing them, I’d like to thank @ronenk for his professional advice – thanks man! Now, the changes:
- New design template, clearer, whiter, which in my opinion is easier to read. I hope you like it.
- Navigation has been moved to the left, a task long over-due, I know. Living in Israel I have this weakness for Hebrew, that is written from Right-to-Left. So obviously my blog, although in English, needed to adhere to Israeli rules. Over the time I realized that it’s just wrong. So I switched sides.
- Connect with Dvir isn’t a new widget, but it couldn’t hurt mentioning it again. I’ve listed my social identities, in no special order, including my email address. Feel free to contact me in any of those methods.
- Text size. Analyzing my traffic I noticed that a growing # of requests are coming from mobile devices/browsers, and the normal text size can be too small. So now there are 3 text sizes for you to choose from.
- Google Friend Connect and MyBlogLog widgets offer you a great way of getting to know new people who share the same interest. Feel free to join my networks.
- Google Reader Shared Items. I’m a big fan of GReader, and although the various real-time services out there, I can always rely on Reader to keep me busy at nights/weekends and updated on the stuff I missed. In this widget you can see the recent items I’ve ‘Shared’ on my Reader – hope you’ll like them too..
- Zemanta is a new discovery service I’ve added a month or so ago. Zemanta is actullay a double multi-platform solution, for blogs (wordpress, blogger, typepad, tumblr and others) and emails (Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo), bringing you relevant content from known publishers like and techcrunch as well as other ‘smaller’ bloggers, like me. If you read a post you like, hit the ‘Reblog‘ button (site, not RSS) and share your thumbs-up with the community.
Do hope you like the changes and additions, comments are always appreciated!
Thank you for being a reader.