Posts Tagged 'book'

How to work a room…

In my current role I attend 3-5 events a month, keeping the relationship with business partners and looking for new opportunities. I find myself in a spot sometime, when I can’t find the correct method to approach a colleague. I guess some of you have had a similar problem, often called ‘social networking’, a.k.a how to work a room…
For just that purpose Susan RoAne has published a new book, the (secret) art of schmoozing II, How to Work a Room: Your Essential Guide to Savvy Socializing.
Guy Kawasaki asked her for some pointers, and she gave him her top ten tips (read them here)

I particularly liked the first point (Think Analogue, not Digital) – which reminds us all that we are dealing with people, not computers. Remember that.
Another important tip is making small talk. I often see/hear colleagues going straight for the business-talk, and that wrong.. If you’re coming to an event, you want to have some fun, and some business. So break the ice with small talk, about interests you have in common, and then you’ll see how the business part is going much smoother… do some research before each event, read blogs, papers, online articles, magazines – it will come handy..
And last but not least – Listen, Listen, Listen. People aren’t talking to hear themselves. They talk for you to listen and respond. Pay attention to what they say – otherwise, you’re just rude.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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