Posts Tagged 'apple iphone'

iPhone is coming

Pack you sleeping bags people – the iPhone will be launched in Israel Thursday at 00:01 hours (night between Wed. and Thu.), in a massive sales operation, with stores open the entire day (Thursday). As you might recall, Apple decided, finally, that the Israeli market is important enough to add us to its worldwide distribution.

Will Tel Aviv act like NYC at midnight Thursday? [picture from ars technica]

All 3 cellular providers in Israel have jumped the iPhone wagon of course, and rumors say that each committed to selling 100,000 units a year – meaning 300,000 combined. Now, Israel cellular penetration is about 106% right now, which means that Cellcom, Orange and Pelephone will have to offer lucrative programs and trade-in deals so consumers will give us their current 3G phone and buy a new iPhone 3GS.

The companies are keeping the tight ‘no-comment’ policy, probably governed by Apple, and refusing to release any information about the iPhone – prices, programs, marketing, etc – but that hasn’t stopped the local eco-system from working hard over the past 3-4 months, developing apps for anything from news, bulletin boards, finance, radio, GPS and more.

I for one, am curious to see how the 3 providers will differentiate their iPhone operations, and how the market will behave. Although the iPhone officially hits Israel in 3 days, there are some 60,000 devices here, jail-broken of course, with Hebrew support – which pretty much cover the early adopters and gadgets lovers. Selling 300,000 devices a year is a tough task, and one thing is for sure: it’s gonna be an interesting year.

Languages: Hebrew, English and Android*

After 48 hours of sleep deprivation, I am the happy owner of a brand new Samsung Galaxy (i7500) phone, Android-based. I’m still catching up on some pillow hours, and my online activity is slowly returning to normal use, but already I’ve realized why cellular makers are anxious on building an eco-system: the 3rd-party applications and developers’ community.

After seeing Android Market I understand why the iPhone is such a huge hit – it’s not just the coolness effect, which no other phone can match. The ability to enrich your experience with 65,000 apps is unparallel to any marketing campaign or feature comparison. In just 48 hours I’ve downloaded some 20-25 different applications (directly from the device of course), each allowing me to be more productive, customizing the Galaxy to my needs.

Over the next few days I’ll write some more about my experiences with the Galaxy as well as Top 10 Must Have Android Apps. OK, make that 20 Must Have.. 😉

In that context, AdMob Metrics just released their July 2009 Metrics Report, covering just that – the behavior of iPhone, iPod Touch and Android users and their interaction with App Store and Android Market, respectively. Couple of highlights:

  • Android and iPhone users download approximately 10 new apps a month, while iPod touch owners download an average of 18 per month
  • More than 90 percent of Android and iPhone OS users browse and search for apps directly on their mobile device instead of their computer
  • Upgrading from the lite version was the top reason given when users were asked what drives them to purchase a paid app
  • iPhone and iPod touch users are twice as likely to purchase paid apps than Android users.
  • Users who regularly download paid apps spend approximately $9 on an average of five paid downloads per month

The full July 2009 Metrics Report – AdMob Metrics
Android Market
Samsung Galaxy Preview
Samsung Galaxy Screenshots Album

* I know Android is NOT a coding language, but it beats calling this post ‘A Javaist, A HTMLer and a Rubiest are on a plane.. 😉

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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