Posts Tagged 'הרצאה'

I want a facebook thing. I think

Just wrapped up my presentation at KM Annual Conference (another one), where I got 20min (but took 30) to talk about Enterprise 2.0, or ‘I want a facebook thing. I think‘.
The event was more about traditional knowledge management (aka – documents), and how to maintain a document library within your internal portal, so my Enterprise 2.0 portion was unique and different. I like to be unique.

I adopted some tips from Ed and Alan and came with Jeans and a buttoned shirt (short sleeves – it’s Israel), instead of my usual dress-code. Being the last speaker before lunch is not easy, especially where you consider who came before me. If you happen to follow me on twitter, you know I was up with some fierce competition, as all the speakers before me, and sponsors outside, were MOSS/WSS/Sharepoint integrators. One hilarious moment came when a presenter took the stage to demo a solution over Powerpoint 2007 – but the main hall laptop had Office XP.. :-)) The laptop refused to open the Office 2007 file. LOL

The important thing, I ROCKED !!
And mentioned how IBM beat Sharepoint in Enterprise 2.0 face-off earlier this week.
And gathered some business cards for future opportunities.
I talked about social computing in general (what is facebook), then dived into Lotus Connections (I want something like this…) with references from Ernest & Young and Sprint, and finished with three first steps for piloting/adopting (COOL!! How to get started?).
With little time to spare I didn’t talked about the barriers to adoption, but Enterprise 2.0 Conference already covered this in one of their discussions.

You can view the embed slides below, or download from
The slides are in Hebrew – will prepare an English version over the weekend.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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