Posts Tagged 'טוויטר'

Tel Aviv Marathon

Friday was the much anticipated Tel Aviv Marathon, returning to the city after 15 years. Over 10,000 people participated in the event at 6 different legs: full marathon, 10km (3 heats), 5km and 40km hand-bike for handicapped athletes. The 10km leg started at 07:10, which meant I had to get up at 04:45 to give my body enough time to realize ‘hey, I’m up, and we’re gonna run 10km in 2 hours’. The early wake up worked, and although I didn’t improve my PB (52:15), still managed to maintain a pace of <5:30 per KM, stopping the clock at 53:30 for the 10km.
Official results are available here.

Tw-Israel had a good presence at the marathon, with myself, Ezra Butler and Ron Shoshani doing the 10km, TLV100 reporting during the event and many more ‘cheering‘ us along the way. The marathon was also the first time I used qik to live stream video from my Nokia N95 device. More videos are available at

Excellent experience, great organization by Tel Aviv Municipality and Marathon Israel and a beautiful day for running. See you next time 🙂

Shidurey going for 1,000

I’ll keep it simple:
Shidurey are doing an un-official competition with on who’ll reach 1,000 twitter followers first. Those competitions are getting quite popular.. 😉

הודעה מיוחדת from Yosi Taguri on Vimeo.

So, help Yosi and Lior beat Ynet, and by doing so, both will shave (wax) their chest.
That alone is worth the follow.. :-))

Start following Shidurey now.

Orange Shop Press Conference

Monday was my first press conference, as Orange (one of Israel’s cellular providers) invited journalists and bloggers to attend its Orange Shop launch – the first in Israel.
Over the past year Orange has changed its business strategy from a cellular company to a communications company, offering the full range of services: mobile, internet (ISP) and phone (land line). Orange Shop TLV is the first one to open, with 7 more planned for 2009 (overall cost of $2.5m).
In the press conference Orange CEO, David Avner, had this to say:

Orange is leading the way in terms of customer service and working tirelessly on rising the standards, cultivating customer loyalty and seeking ‘the next big thing’ that would provide value to our customers.

How I came to be at Orange press conference?
My friend Eti from Blink has invited some bloggers to the launch, which was an excellent decision, in my opinion – the days in which press conferences were for journalists alone are over. The content is being written by anyone, and any company, specifically a consumer oriented one (like Orange), must be present at the same space its customers are – facebook, twitter, flickr, qik and the others. Microsoft were the first to do so last year, at Tech-Ed 2008, when they invited bloggers to the journalists’ sessions, including high profile interviews with Microsoft executives.

Joining the conversation
The natural impact of having bloggers at the conference is that exposure was instant. All of us started twitting about it, taking pictures and shooting live video – and comments came shortly after. I’m not an Orange customer so can’t comment, but most of the replies I got regarded Orange’s customer service and not the launch of the shop.
This is why it’s important to have a corporate voice in the conversation. Orange brought bloggers that started a discussion online, but no one was there to respond, like in Comcast, Ford or JetBlue for instance. Now that twitter has become a house-hold name, and everyone are jumping the wagon, having a corporate voice that is part of the discussion is even more important.

Orange Shop
#orangeshop on twitter
Qik video from the press conference (thanks to Yarin)
Pictures from the press conference (thanks to Ilan)
Press coverage: Ynet, walla, newsgeek (congrats to Niv and Yaniv for opening newsgeek!)
It’s a followers gameOrli Yakuel at Themarker about Twitter.

Ashton Kutcher hits 1m followers – good or bad?

Three months ago I sat down with some friends and they asked me how come their facebook page (news feed) is filled with updates from me. I responded by saying ‘I installed the twitter app in facebook, and now my updates on twitter appear as facebook status messages as well’. Everyone asked me ‘twitter what?!’ and I tried explaining it without sounding too geeky.. 😉

Last week the same friends asked me ‘what’s twitter good for?’ and ‘I’m thinking of opening up an account – can you help?’. Oh boy, the age of (twitter) innocence has passed. After this week’s battle between CNNBRK (CNN Breaking News) and Aplusk (Ashton Kutcher) it seems twitter is the new pet on the block and everyone wants one, including Oprah. And twitter has also showed some muscle, by disabling the ‘un-follow’ option from both CNNBRK and Aplusk, to not lose users after the battle is over..

But what are we talking about here people? what exactly Ashton is saying to his 1,140,000 followers? is twitter still the tool to convey meaningful messages or is twitter merely the tool to ‘launder’ gossip and give them ‘a meaning’? Yuval Dror and Lior Zoref both beat the crowd by posting their own views on the subject, but whereas Yuval is still looking for meaning at twitter (maybe because they have no business model yet?), Lior crowned it as ‘twitter revolution has only began‘, pointing to the CNNBRK vs. Aplusk saga and Susan Boyle‘s phenomenon. Gal Mor also published his views, in this appropriately titled ‘Ashton’s and CNN’s publicity stunt‘ post.

Ashton attracts 1m followers because, in my opinion, he has access to mainstream media, and gives us (social-media-buffs) the feeling that we’re not alone in this (twittering).. I’ll probably won’t pay much attention to most of Ashton’s updates (except his ustream videos), but it’s good to know that the dude who’s married to Demi Moore is a social media geek just like us… 😉

What do you think? are you one of Aplusk’s followers? considering to be? has twitter lost its innocence?

Vacation time

Yes, vacation. Merriam Webster defines it as:
a scheduled period during which activity is suspended.

So, for the following week I’ll be vacationing in Prague, without my precious laptop. Yes, my cellphone will still be with me, but I’ll probably refrain from doing business/social related activities, such as checking emails, updating twitter, posting to facebook or reading GReader – to name a few… For 6 days I’ll do my best to disconnect.

See you all soon, and Happy Pesach!!

[Photo courtesy of Sagee]

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.