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Keeping Up with the News, 2011 Style

Earlier today I did ‘a Scobleizer’, and deleted all of my RSS subscriptions from Google Reader. The decision to start fresh was growing in me for a few weeks now, and Scoble’s post from this morning only affirmed my decision.

Some prefix is required here, as I haven’t written about that topic in a while – the distribution and consumption of news. With the ‘Big 3’ in mind – Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and adding Flipboard and HitPad to the mix, I think I’ve reached some conclusions on where I turn to read what, which also seems to coincide with current public perception:

  • Google+ is where serious discussion takes place, and valuable opinions and insights are shared. My good friend Hillel Fuld is a strong believer in Google+, mainly for the vibrating discussion that takes place. If you got your circles right, you’re in for a treat, content-wise, any time of day.
  • Facebook is where the fun stuff is shared, racking up Likes and Shares all around. I might find there an interesting Share, but most of the time – I find myself ‘judging’ the content based on the photo used.
  • Twitter is tricky. Among all other social networks, Twitter is the only one that actually broke psychical boundaries, making it easier for people like me to interact and tweet with people like Robert Scoble, Dave Morin, Daniel Bedingfield, Ashton Kutcher and many others. Having said that, Twitter still needs to find a way to deal with all the noise. Other than lists.
  • I’d also mention LinkedIn, which made a huge leap news-wise when they released their new iPhone app, which includes the ‘Updates’ tab, for top shared news from my network. Hands down my favorite app for hot stories.

So now my RSS reader is clean (actually was clean for two hours or so), and I’ve already started adding feeds to it, in small doses: Dave Winer, Scoble,’s The Big Picture, Google Android Developer Blog, and a few others. It’s taking shape again, but I think I’ll have 20 at the most (compared with 80+ I had last time). With the built-in Google+ integration, I hope the new Reader will help Google regain a place on my list.

What’s your favorite tool or social network for catching up with the news? How many feeds do you keep track after? Shout back here, on Google+ or on Twitter.


Last but not least: This is the 3rd post I’ve written from my iPad, and I do think it’s time I share a few thoughts on my shiny new gadget and how I use it. Stay tuned, more to come.

I am the passenger

And I ride, and I ride, and I ride..

Blog Profile: Dvir Reznik – Dvir Reznik ::

Feed Sponsor: This Week in Lotus

Gilad Shalit is Home :-)

1,941 days.
June 26, 2006 – October 18, 2011.

Today, after 5 years and 4 months in captivity, Gilad Shalit returned home.


Gilad – welcome home!

Cesar Millan vs. Cartman on South Park

In case you haven’t noticed, my wife and I ‘adopted’ a hybrid Belgian Shepherd last year, and he’s like the son we haven’t had yet. Neo (Twitter, Facebook) was the cutest little thing growing up, and when the little pisher was 4 months old, we got a trainer, first for puppy training and later on for full fledged discipline.

Neo, day 1 with us, age: 2.5 months

Almost everything we worked on with our trainer, Ceasr referred to in an episode, specifically the ‘pack leader‘ attitude, designed to show the dog who’s the boss. Especially effective is the ‘Tsst‘ sound, which is a way of correcting the dog when he’s doing something against his owner’s wishes or commands.

Cesar Millan vs. CartmanBecause Cesar is so effective at his work, South Park ‘enlisted’ him for a full episode back in May 2006, titled ‘Tsst‘ of course, where Cesar is brought in by Cartman’s mom to help her with some expert advice. I’ve embedded a short clip here, but you must check the full video over on Cesar’s site. Hilarious!!

This line just cracked me up, but there’s so much more on the full video: ‘Dogs bite each other on the neck to show dominance, and it can work equally as effective on a child. It doesn’t hurt the child, just letting him know we’re the dominant‘. Priceless!!

Full video on Cesar’s site.

And most important: Stay calm and assertive 🙂

Thank you Mr. Jobs, and RIP

Steve P. Jobs died yesterday at 56 due to complications of pancreatic cancer.

Steve was a true visionary, that had a taste for product design and a perfectionist mind that led Apple to the top of the industry, in sales, units sold and most importantly – customer loyalty.

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Steve, I wasn’t an Apple fanboy from the start, in fact, I was one of the ‘I’ll never get an iPhone’ type of people, and later ‘I’ll never get an iPad’. But now, I’m sporting both. As a marketer I’ll continue to take chapters from the unwritten book by which you conducted Apple’s PR and marketing, which made Apple one of the top brands in the world, and definitely the most loved one.

You have changed the industry with your breakthrough ideas and beautifully designed products, and changed the way I, and my family, lives. So thank you. And RIP.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.