The Online Banner is 15 Years Old

Today marks the 15th birthday of Digital Advertising as we know it.
On October 27th, the first banner display ads appeared, changing the way (digital) Mad Men work, changing the way consumers buy and opening a new revenue stream – worth $24B today.

Frank D’Angelo was an MCI account guy at MVBMS, and was assigned by his boss, Bob Schmetterer, to develop something called ‘a graphical ad unit’ for HotWired, a popular online digital magazine (spin-off of Wired Magazine). He shares his story with AdAge readers, a story that changed digital advertising forever.

AdAge: Happy Birthday, Digital Advertising!

[thanks to @maayancohen for bringing this into my stream]

1 Response to “The Online Banner is 15 Years Old”

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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