Twitter got me Alfa Romeo’s MiTo

This is a simple story of a car enthusiast (me) who just happens to be a social media evangelist and (some say) a prominent twitter user.

Some 10 days ago while walking Ramat Aviv Mall I saw the beautiful Alfa Romeo MiTo. The car, which was announced mid 2008, is a real principessa, and one can see the resemblance to her ‘parents’, the 8C Competizione.

Being true to my belief that social media is just as powerful as traditional media, I posted a twit (facebook too) saying I’m willing to do a lot for a test drive in the new MiTo. Quite frankly, I didn’t expect an answer, yet alone a test drive, but the good people over at Alfa Romeo Israel, led by Nir Ben-Shlomo, Alfa Romeo Brand Manager, proved me wrong. I picked up my MiTo this Tuesday afternoon for a 16 hour drive (!), the first ever test drive to be performed by an independent blogger.

Over the past months I’ve read several posts and articles dissing social media and its impact on consumers and businesses. This example here illustrates the power of this medium, and we’re only at a fraction of its full potential.

My full review of this magnificent machine will be posted here soon, as well as on newsgeek, my other blog, but I thought you guys deserve some sneak-pics – just for being my readers.. 😉
Oh, one last thing, for the local auto dealers: I’m available for future test drives – drop me a line here dvirreznik at gmail dot com or via twitter and we’ll work out the details.

2 Responses to “Twitter got me Alfa Romeo’s MiTo”

  1. 1 Oren Todoros May 21, 2009 at 09:07

    The start of this vid is starting to look a lot like an Seovice vid! Car, Shades and all!

    I’d like to test drive being a millionaire. Maybe I’ll twit about that and see if it comes true!? 🙂

    Do your thing homie!

  2. 2 Dvir Reznik May 22, 2009 at 20:03

    Yap, did what I could with Movie Maker.. 😉 and thanks!

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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