What am I gonna do next?

First off I want to thank all the people that sent me messages (facebook, twitter and here) following my Moving on post from last week. Reading your positive feedback was pure pleasure, coming from customers, business partners, analysts and friends with whom I worked over the past 8 years. Thank you!

Some of you asked me where am I going, what am I doing next. So, here’s my answer:
As of today, I am still looking for my next challenge. The economic climate isn’t sunny at the moment, but the market is still very much active, and opportunities are always opening up.
If you have a friend, who knows a friend, who heard of an open position – here’s what I’m bringing to the table:

  • 8 years experience at IBM
  • Current (last) role: Software sales leader, for mobile, messaging, knowledge management, web-portals and social media solutions – annual sales of $1M.
  • Worked across all industries in Israel, focusing on enterprise (finance, insurance, government) but also SMB/SME.
  • Previous roles: Intranet Editor and Webmaster, Internal Comms Mgr. and IBM BP Center Marketing Mgr.
  • Familiar with marketing tactics and strategies, social media tools, market analysis and monitoring, budget allocations, interactive and advertising experience.
  • Direct and channel sales, pipeline management, generating demand, sales cycles, CRM/Siebel expertise, post-sale support.
  • Excellent knowledge of the IT market, both locally and globally, fast learner and technology savvy.
  • Almost 31, single (with a special lady), BA in Finance and MBA in Marketing, and a graduate of IBM Global Sales School.
  • Willing to relocate if needed.

I’ll be most useful to your company in two major fields:
Marketing – as a marketing manager, digital/internet marketing manager and/or marcom mgr.
Sales (IT) – software sales, sales leader/manager, account manager.

I’m well-connected, socially that is, so feel free to ask around for recommendations. If you need a formal CV, email me: dvirreznik at gmail.com or send me a DM on twitter. See you around 🙂

Photo from istockphoto, licensed.

3 Responses to “What am I gonna do next?”

  1. 1 samc April 15, 2009 at 14:10

    Dvir, I know IBM since 1973 and My beginning of my “Computer Career” Before IBM PC.
    Now! is the time for Opportunities.
    New Startups etc…
    Good Luck and I and my biz is Open to offers.

  2. 2 samc April 15, 2009 at 14:12

    This is Fine!!
    I’ll be most useful to your company in two major fields:
    Marketing – as a marketing manager, digital/internet marketing manager and/or marcom mgr.
    Sales (IT) – software sales, sales leader/manager, account manager.

  3. 3 Dvir Reznik April 16, 2009 at 18:32

    Thanks Sam!

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.