7 things you didn’t know about me

Not sure who came up with this idea to begin with, but I must say it has a nice touch to it. Usually, what you know about a blogger derives from his/her posts and About page. Getting to know the personal stuff (7 of them at least) makes the bond between the blogger and the readers stronger, and in my opinion, improves the conversation.

In case you haven’t heard of ‘7 things you didn’t know about me’, the rules are simple:
A person writes a post, with 7 things his/her audience didn’t know about him. At the end of that post he/she names 7 other people and leaving a comment on their blog, to let them know. And from there the wheel goes round and round. Shira Abel, a friend and fellow-blogger, tagged me in her note, so here are ‘7 things you didn’t know about me’:

1) I’ve been on driving (officially 😉 since the age of 16, got a Tractor license, and actually owned one. It was my vehicle for 18 months, driving to high-school and stuff, until I got my car permit. No, I didn’t take it Friday nights… 😉

2) Had Asthma when I was a kid, the changing seasons were a disaster for me – held an inhaler in my bag. Starting swimming and playing ball (see thing #6), which eliminated it completely.

3) In a relationship for 5 years now, with the most amazing woman whom I love, respect and admire, that had taught me so much about myself. She’s at the last year of her Ph.D studies in Clinical Psychology, 2nd year resident at a mental health center.

4) I’m a semi-farmer, born and raised at Kfar Azar, worked the field on the weekend with my dad and little brother. Until I moved out, never knew what’s it like to live in the city – guess that’s why I don’t fancy it so much now…

5) Bought my first bike (50cc) when I was 22 or 23, working at Tel Aviv – was the smartest way to commute. With the third (and last) bike, Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R, I crashed heading back from the Dead Sea, after an IBM event. First thing I did was rush to the bike. Only afterwords I realized I had sprained my ankle…

6) I love playing basketball. Been playing since I was 10 or something like that, was part of the High-School team (Blich) and IBM team. Still playing twice a week with friends (but open to suggestions ;-).

7) Spent a year at the army (as an officer) with foreign citizens who came for a 11 weeks boot camp program – met some great people from around the world (Australia, UK, Latin America, USA, Canada), who were willing to drop all formalities (Dr., Ph.D, MBA Executives) – just to be bossed around for 11 weeks.

Those were my 7 things. Now it’s up to those people to follow (tagged people who haven’t been tagged before): Shooky Galili, Ido Kenan, Lior Sion, Efrat Kotler, Bruce Elgort, Rebecca Markowitz and Jonathan Burg.

2 Responses to “7 things you didn’t know about me”

  1. 1 Liorsion January 26, 2009 at 17:49

    Super clip at animoto 🙂 really cool.
    I love the 7 things game, it’s giving different perspective on people you think you know since you see them online (or at work) at lot..

  2. 2 Dvir Reznik January 26, 2009 at 22:52

    Thanks Lior!
    animoto is very cool – love it!
    And yes, the 7 boom game adds something to the conversation.. 🙂

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



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