Lotus Notes and Sametime 8 updates

Finally, I have Lotus Notes 8!!
It wasn’t easy thou, and let me explain.

I’ve been using Lotus Notes 8 Beta 3 for 6 months now. As soon as Lotus Notes 8 was available, and Ed had already installed it, I just couldn’t wait to get to the office and download the source files for myself.
The first mistake I did was to interrupt the un-install process of Notes 8 Beta 3. Never interrupt a process like that. I though the Add/Remove action was stuck, and it stuck my laptop, so I ended the process. Hugh mistake, I know. ‘Cause now I had an incomplete installation of Notes 8 Beta 3 in my registry, that cannot be removed! I tried installing the Beta 3 version again, which kinda worked, but when I wanted to un-install it, I had the wrong install package for product on my registry.
An advice from a colleague and one more Google search I found Your Uninstaller 2006! software, that suppose to do what Add/Remove can’t – remove those programs that stuck on you, and there’s nothing you can do to remove them, other than formatting your entire HDD..
And it worked – like a charm ! So thank you Your Uninstaller 2006. You saved the day.

It’s a brand new world.
The past week was filled with coverage on Notes 8 release, and new announcements in VoiceCon, on Lotus Sametime 8, along with the release of IBM’s recent acquisition – WebDialogs, which will be added to the Lotus brand, and its solution incorporated into the next version of Lotus Sametime. As Adam Gartenberg commented, a picture is much better than words, so in a nutshell, here’s the new Lotus Sametime 8 family.

There will be 4 versions:
Sametime Entry 8.0 – a new offering designed to get companies started with enterprise IM. It’s based on the embedded Sametime service available to Lotus Notes users – encrypted IM, chat history, rich text, emoticons, spell check – in an easy to adopt enterprise IM solution.

Sametime Standard 8.0
– the follow-up release of current Sametime 7.5.1 client, and the future entitlement for current customers.

Sametime Advanced 8.0 – a new offering that will package all of the capabilities of Lotus Sametime Standard together with new, advanced capabilities, such as persistent group chat, broadcast tools that will allow users to pose questions to communities of experts and tap an organization’s knowledge base in real time, a new plugin that will allow for instant desktop or application sharing, and community/server-based geographic location awareness.

Sametime Unified Telephony – a new offering that will provide capabilities both for the end user and through new middleware components. For the end users, it will provide for onscreeen alerts of incoming phone calls, rules-based phone routing for incoming calls, an integrated soft phone, and integrated phone and desktop presence. On the middleware side, this offering will simplify the process of connecting Sametime to multiple back-end PBX systems, regardless of which vendor (or how many vendors) you might be using. Key components of this offering will come through technology from Siemens OpenScape.

In closing, news roundup, for Lotus Notes 8 and Lotus Sametime 8:
Lotus Notes and Domino 8 – ibm.com/lotus/notesanddomino
Lotus Sametime 8 – IBM Unified Communication and Collaboration solution
Lotus Sametime – ibm.com/lotus/sametime
IBM Lotus Sametime Unyte (WebDialogs acquisition) – ibm.com/sametime
Lotus Notes and Domino 8 shows new life – InfoWorld
Enterprise e-mail get pumped – InfoWorld
Lotus takes unified aim at MS with Sametime 8 – InfoWorld
The Lotus floats on – PCPro
IBM positions Lotus Notes for growth – TheStreet
Notes/Doomino 8 hits the streets – IT Jungle

4 Responses to “Lotus Notes and Sametime 8 updates”

  1. 1 Ed August 27, 2007 at 03:21

    well, now i know what happened with your notes 8 install….

  2. 2 Dvir Reznik August 27, 2007 at 12:01

    it wasn’t an easy install, that’s for sure… 😉

    but at least I have some more experience now, with add/remove programs..

  3. 3 donaldyounker October 29, 2009 at 18:09

    Samestime 8.0 doesn't work with AIM – not sure why it shows and says it does

  4. 4 Dvir Reznik October 31, 2009 at 03:33

    That's strange.
    I suggest you verify with you local IBM rep, or over at http://www.ibm.com/lotus/sametime

    Hope it helps.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



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