Posts Tagged 'nyc'

The 101 of getting married in NYC

As some of you already know (and if not – now you do), we got married during our vacation in NYC! If you’re also thinking of getting hitched while visiting the Big Apple, here’s what you need to know. The whole thing takes less than an hour (2 separate visits). If you want to approve your license for international recognition, there’s step 3, that will take you an additional hour (mainly walking between 2 locations). You can download a mobile version of this post, to open on your mobile device (2-page, Doc or PDF versions), to guide you through the process.

The government office that is responsible for marriage licenses is the City Clerk, a large, renovated building located at the top of the Financial District, close to the Court Buildings and City Hall. Get off at Chambers St station (1,2,3,A,C,J,M,Z) and walk towards the Courts Buildings – City Clerk (Worth st.) is across the street. All the information mentioned here is also available online.

Step 1 – getting the marriage license

Go the the City Clerk’s office at 141 Worth St., both of you, with a valid form of identification (Passport works just fine). Ask the official at the information desk the forms for a marriage license, and receive a number. You can also fill out the forms online (no printing required – you receive a confirmation number) – recommended and saves time. Important: At this stage you have to decide about the bride’s last name – change it or not. Once your number is called, go to the booth with the completed form and your IDs, pay $35 (we used credit card), and the 1st step is over.

Now you need to return after at least 24 hours (this is NOT like Vegas), to finalize the process, and GET MARRIED! You have 60 days before your license (and file) expires.

Step 2 – the marriage ceremony

For the ceremony itself you will need the following:

  • Two rings (anything goes)
  • The marriage license form + IDs you had with you at Step 1 (if you used Passport, you must come with it again)
  • A witness with a valid ID – any witness is good, but the office staff cannot serve as a witness, so come prepared, or ask someone waiting with you (thank you Joelle!)
Signing stuff, we and our witness

Signing stuff, we and our witness

There is no dress-code for the ceremony itself, some came with their gym clothes while others had the full package: white dress and a tux, photographer, family and stuff. Once you arrive (check the office hours for planned holidays) ask the officer at the information desk for a number to the marriage ceremony, presenting the form + IDs (bride, groom, witness). Important: If you need to validate your license for international usage, make sure you mention it to the officer – he’ll give you another form, In Person Request for Marriage Records. Once your number is up, approach the booth (all 3 of you), pay another $25 (credit card) and then wait again for one of the 2 marriage ceremony rooms to be vacant.

The marriage ceremony

The marriage ceremony

A City Clerk’s official conducts the ceremony: 

If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace (between the 2 of you and the witness I doubt it, but you can never know), Do you ‘bride’ take ‘groom’ to be your lawful wedded husband…, Place the ring on the groom’s finger, and By the power vested to me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!

That’s it – Mazal Tov! You’re married (in the USA). The entire process (both steps) takes under an hour. No rush on doing it at 08:30, the office is open until 15:30 – we came at 12:30 and were out by 13:15.

Our rings

Our rings

Step 3 – International recognition (Apostille)

The longest step of the process, only because you need to visit 2 other office buildings – the Supreme Court and State of New York. Once you receive your marriage certificate, go to the Archives Room (same place, across from the information desk), and say you want your marriage to be recognized internationally. Pay an additional $35 (to issue another marriage certificate, 1 more is enough) and after a few minutes you’ll receive it, with a note instructing what you need to do next, and where.

New York Supreme Court

New York Supreme Court

Step outside, cross the street and walk into the Supreme Court building (60 Centre St., famous from Law and Order), take the elevator down to the basement (B), room 141B. Stand in the ‘Public Notary Desk’ line and say you wish to make your marriage certificate recognized outside the US. Pay $3 (cash preferred) at the cashier (3 steps to the right of where you’re standing now), and receive your marriage certificate signed by the Clerk of the Supreme Court.

Step outside and head downtown (South) to 123 William St (between John and Fulton, 15-20min walk, use a map) – Office of the State of New York. Take the elevator to the 19th floor, head to one of the available booths, with your marriage certificate. Pay $10 (cash again), wait couple of minutes for the certificate to be signed (Apostille), and that’s it!

The Nut Box

If you’re a nuts fan, like me, this is one place worth marking for your next visit at NYC: Cutest place, opened last week (Tuesday, March 30th), offering an enormous variety of nuts – natural and healthy. Geo-tag it.

The Nut Box, 39E 8th St., NYC

The Nut Box, 39E 8th St., NYC

The Nut Box, 39E 8th St., New York, NY.

Ph.D Dissertation Submitted – Vacation Time

Signing off the dissertation

Signing off the dissertation

If memory serves me well, this is the first post that is not focused on me. This post honors my significant other, D, who came one step closer to becoming a clinical psychologist by submitting her Ph.D dissertation earlier this week. The dissertation took 4.5 years (!) to complete, part of a very long process that has been going on for 10 years now, with 2 more years to go (equivalent of an internship). Considering we met some 6 years ago, this is quite a journey to go through as a couple.

D – I am in-love with you, deeply, and want to live with you forever.  And… NYC – here we come !

Ph.D Dissertation

Ph.D Dissertation

The abstract of her dissertation proposal is available hereunder. Enjoy.


Object Relations in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Predictive Value for Symptoms, Functioning, and Quality of Life


In the last three decades schizophrenia spectrum disorders were studied extensively from a biological-genetic-structural perspective. This perspective had a significant contribution to our understanding of these disorders (e.g., Jaaro-Peled et al., 2009). However, inconsistency in research findings and the complexity associated with the interpretation of such findings suggest that biological, genetic and structural models may be insufficient for accounting for the variability in the symptoms associated with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Further, biological-genetic-structural models may be limited in their capacity of explaining individual differences such as coping skills, level of functioning, and chances of adjustment for people suffering from the same disorders on the spectrum (Bentall & Fernyhough, 2008; Harrow & Jobe, 2007). The current thesis aims to address these limitations by investigating schizophrenia spectrum disorders from a psychological perspective and more specifically from object relations theory perspective.

Object relations theories assume that early interpersonal relationships are internalized as mental representations of self-object interactions. These representations consist of cognitive, affective, and experiential information regarding the self, objects, and the interaction between them (Blatt, Auerbach & Aryan, 1998). Classical object-relations theories suggest that deficiencies in the early interactions may lead, in extreme circumstances, to psychotic disorders and schizophrenia in adulthood (Fairbairn, 1954; Winnicott, 1965).

Schizophrenic disorders were described by various theoreticians and researchers in terms of impaired (chaotic and primitive) self and object representations, boundary disturbances in mental representations and failure to achieve more integrated levels of object-relations development (Blatt & Wild, 1976; Guntrip, 1968; Ryan & Bell, 1984). In addition, object relations’ theories suggest that different psychiatric disorders may vary in their severity of object relations impairment. However, these theories do not explicitly address the heterogeneity of object relations’ developmental levels and quality within schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The current thesis attempted to examine whether these differences in object relations are linked with specific symptomatic and functional variations in these schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Specifically, in this thesis we examined the role of object relations and their benevolence and developmental level, in predicting severity of the symptoms, level of functioning, and quality of life of individuals suffering from schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

In order to address these important questions, 85 out-patients who met DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) criteria for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, were assessed twice with a five-month interval between the two assessments. In order to evaluate the quality, complexity, and the developmental level of object relations, we used four central instruments in the field of object relations’ assessment. Two of these measures – SCORS and MOA, were derived from well known implicit psychological tests (TAT and Rorschach respectively). The other two measures – ORI and D-R – stem from a standard narrative procedure that includes spontaneous descriptions of significant others. We hypothesized that these measures would tap into the broad theoretical construct of object relations, each from a different perspective. A series of Pearson correlations confirmed this hypothesis. Consistent with current research, our analyses revealed two central components of the internalized representations: a cognitive-structural component and an affective-qualitative component (Blatt & Auerbach, 2000). Also as expected, without psycho-therapeutic intervention, object relations’ developmental level, their complexity and their benevolence, remained stable over the course of the 5-months interval.

Next, we examined whether measures of object relations at the initial wave of measurement (Time 1) predicted symptomatic and functional aspects, and perceived quality of life five months later (Time 2). A series of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that higher developmental level of object relations, as well as more benevolent and complex object relations were linked with lower severity of positive and negative schizophrenic symptoms, and better functioning and quality of life. These results remained significant while controlling for participants’ age and gender. When varied measures from different instruments of object relations were introduced in one model, each showed a unique contribution to the prediction of schizophrenia symptoms severity, functioning, and quality of life. This suggests that the consideration of various aspects of object relations may be important when assessing these characteristics of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. These findings also supported the hypothesis that the variance in the level of benevolence and development of object relations play a role in the explanation of symptomatic and functional heterogeneity that commonly characterize these disorders.

Finally, classical object-relations theories (e.g.,: Fairbairn, 1954; Winnicott, 1965) suggest that the level of deficiencies in an individuals’ primary environment influence the level of psychopathology and therefore symptom severity of various mental disorders. The severity of symptoms is then believed to be linked with impairment in the level of functioning. Consequently, we assumed that object relations are only indirectly linked with individuals’ level of functioning. Using a mediation model (Shrout & Bolger, 2002), our finding supported this hypothesis.

The current thesis expanded our knowledge of the associations between object relations and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Beyond the theoretical contribution of the current study, the finding that higher developmental level and benevolence of object relations predict better outcomes for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and gives hope and optimism regarding the prognosis of these patients. Even in these severe mental disorders, in which there is a strong genetic or biological basis, more benevolent and developed representations of interpersonal relations may play an important role in positive prognosis regarding the severity of symptoms, level of functioning, and quality of life of the individuals suffering from the disorders.

The findings of this thesis have practical clinical implications. In accordance with our findings, several recommendations regarding the choice of measures to evaluate object relations developmental level, benevolence, and complexity were suggested. These recommendations have the potential to enable clinicians or researchers to optimally choose the most efficient and informative combinations of various measures of object relations when addressing the prognosis of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Finally, the results of the current study may be suggestive of the need to integrate object relations’ interventions with conventional psychiatric interventions when treating this population.

The current study aimed to promote a meaningful dialogue between the clinical psychology world and the psychiatric world. The findings of the study demonstrated that combining these worlds may lead to a more profound and more broad comprehension of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. It is our hope that the current study will lay the foundations for expanding the research of mental representations and object relations in schizophrenia spectrum disorders, as well as in other psychiatric disorders.

Back from vacation

Just got back from my vacation, and there’s a lot going on…

Actually I landed yesterday, and I’m still on Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) – go to sleep at 3-4 a.m and wake up after 1 p.m, but I’m working on it..

This vacation was long planned, and the timing was great – just as the 3Q closed and after the high holidays in Israel. Our vacation had 3 parts: 6 days in NYC, 3-4 days in New England (Yale University and Boston) and the rest back in NYC. You can see (some) pictures of my vacation at Flickr.

The flight

Our flight had its highs and lows. The high was definitely the individual, touch-screen-operated, entertainment/communication system, with games, music channels, flight info, tv shows, full-feature movies and air-phone. Also, you’re not confined to El-Al’s timing anymore – everything is on demand, courtesy of HOT Cable Company. We decided to start the evening (it was a midnight flight – landing in NYC at 7am) with Die Hard 4.0 – an OK movie, knew there was a reason I waited for the DVD.. Owen Almighty was much better, only because of Steve Carrell – so talented, and The Office [NBC] is a living testament.

The low point has to be the leg-room. Just not enough.
El-Al are still the national airline, but sometimes I wish I picked another airline. I don’t know who did the math and seating arrangements, but seating for 11 hours in a 32.24 cm cubicle isn’t a pleasant experience. Especially when you know it’s possible to make it wider.

My childhood friend who’s traveling a lot on business always tells me he’s upgrading to business (with Miles) on transatlantic flights – now I understand why.

Staying in-touch

I had my laptop with me, so was able to track my Inbox, and reply to some emails, but I kind of neglected my feeds. So I’ll paste some important links I read these past 14 days, just in case you haven’t seen them yet.

There’s a new demo video on YouTube for Lotus Notes and Domino 8.0.1. It’s an excellent video, showcasing some of the new features, such as Lotus Notes Traveler (push e-mail/calendar/contacts for mobile devices), Domino Web Access and Lotus Notes for Blackberry.

Ed Brill wrote a post earlier this week, titled “Nobody wants to be first“. There’s a lot of interest going around ND 8.0, and also requests from customers, wanting to talk to a ND 8 reference. So, just to strengthen Ed’s point – 60 days into the product not many businesses have finished a roll-out of ND 8, especially in large enterprises (>5k employees). And some languages (including Hebrew) will only be available during January 2008. Still, if you are in the process of a ND 8 roll-out, and are willing to be a reference, please contact us.

There’s another interesting video recently posted on, with Lotus’s Darren Adams. Darren talks about the benefits of integrating VoIP, video, presence, telephony, unified messaging and other technologies. You’re welcome to watch that as well.

Digitally mastered at MoMA

Arrived yesterday at NYC for some quality time with my significant other – so although I have my laptop with me, the flow of posts will probably decrease..
The weather is excellent here, I feel almost like I never left Tel Aviv. But – there’s less humidity in NYC, so although temp is around 25-28 C and sunny, it feels great.

Whenever I visit NYC the MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art) is a must attraction. It’s always welcoming, always modern, and you can find some cool exhibitions every time you come.

Between Paul Cézanne, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Joan Miró, Wassily Kandinsky and others there’s a unique exhibition called “50 Years of Helvatica“, dedicated to the most popular typeface in the world. I had no idea Helvatica was that popular – apparently it’s used in the Subway signs, MTA (Metropolin Transportation Authority) map, MoMA’s first acquired typeface, millions (maybe billions) of t-shirts (such as The Beatles pictured here) and many more.

More on MoMA to follow. Now I gotta go, the Soho and Village are calling my name…

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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