Posts Tagged 'human behavior'

Men are from Mars, Women from Venus

Saw this post over at Dan Ariely‘s Predictably Irrational blog (a recommend addition to your RSS reader). Dan is a Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University and a visiting Professor at MIT. His book, Predictably Irrational is on my read list at LinkedIn.

Dan used Google in a way most of us (me at least) haven’t thought of yet – researching human behavior. We do use Google to search for stuff, but Dan hasn’t searched for anything. He merely started typing and waited for Google’s predictions – the drop-down list that opens up, suggesting you search queries, based on what other people frequently looked for.

What women are looking for

What women are looking for

The query Dan started typing was:
“how can I get my boyfriend to” and “how can I get my girlfriend to”. The results are hilarious, but proves what the entire world already knows: men are practical, women are after love… 😉

What men are looking for

What men are looking for

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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