Posts Tagged 'helvatica'

Digitally mastered at MoMA

Arrived yesterday at NYC for some quality time with my significant other – so although I have my laptop with me, the flow of posts will probably decrease..
The weather is excellent here, I feel almost like I never left Tel Aviv. But – there’s less humidity in NYC, so although temp is around 25-28 C and sunny, it feels great.

Whenever I visit NYC the MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art) is a must attraction. It’s always welcoming, always modern, and you can find some cool exhibitions every time you come.

Between Paul Cézanne, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Joan Miró, Wassily Kandinsky and others there’s a unique exhibition called “50 Years of Helvatica“, dedicated to the most popular typeface in the world. I had no idea Helvatica was that popular – apparently it’s used in the Subway signs, MTA (Metropolin Transportation Authority) map, MoMA’s first acquired typeface, millions (maybe billions) of t-shirts (such as The Beatles pictured here) and many more.

More on MoMA to follow. Now I gotta go, the Soho and Village are calling my name…

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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