Posts Tagged 'green'

Being green in Prague

We stayed at an excellent hotel last week in Prague, Corinthia Towers Hotel, which like many hotels these days, has boarded the green train. Other than the usual towels procedure (put in the tub to change or leave hanging to keep), we saw this gray card on our bed:

Protect. The choice is yours. We’ll serve your room every day. Your bed linen will be changed only when this card is placed on the bed in the morning.

Being green (Dina disconnected all the power cables at home before leaving, and we disconnect some stuff during the day as well) and all, we put the card on the bed only one time – changing linen once in 3 days is more than enough. In the days we didn’t put the gray card, we got another card – green of course – saying thank you:

Protect. Your choice makes a difference. Thank you. Upon your request we did not change your bed linen. Should you choose to have your bed linen changed tomorrow, please place the gray card on the bed.

Lots of business and service providers are looking to be more green, in various ways. What I liked about the Corinthia way is that extra step towards to guests – not just giving you the choice, but also acknowledging it by saying ‘thank you’. One might ask, like CNN’s Ayesha Durgahee, are hotels doing enough or is it just a marketing thing, but for me, saying thank you, is a step in the right direction.

How green are green hotels?

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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