Posts Tagged 'dvir notes'

Hottest trends and my Ego

Google Trends
Google are providing some cool tools for the average user to analyze his/her activities on the web. On top of the Reader Trends I’ve commented in the past, there’s now even an upgraded Zeitgeist, Google Hot Trends, which tells you couple of times a day what people are looking for right now.. right now!
Now you know what people looked for every single day, 4-5 times a day…
Here’s the Top 100 for Wed, May 23rd 2007:

American Idol being in the #2 place is not a big surprise, but what the hell is going on in Minneapolis with the weather (#50)?

My Ego (a.k.a Google Analytics)
Anyhow, I was looking at another Google tool, Analytics, with a new and improved interface, which illustrates your data in a more graphic way.. It’s also pretty easy to set up: just enter your url, put a JS code and you’re done.
So, obviously, all bloggers have Ego, and I wanted to know just how big mine is… 😉
From the initial analysis I’d have to say – not bad Dvir!! 190 page views in a month is not high, compared to Engadget or GigaOm, but it’s good enough for me.. and the more important figure is that over 60% of my visitors are new visitors, which means new ‘business’, and that’s always a good thing.. you know, showing growth along with the market…

There’s also a break-down by region, by source (search engine, direct, links, etc), by content and much more… try it out..

So, I do hope this post has increased my new readers, while of course maintained my loyal crowd. Shout back, so I can hear you.. 🙂

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.