Posts Tagged 'ניהול ידע'

IBM Software Forum – 8 days away…

Just over a week before IBM Software Forum kicks off, we have some 50 people registered – to the Lotus session alone! The other five sessions are filling up quite fast, so it’s best to register now.
You already know what Lotus agenda will look like, but I’m still working on my presentation, the first one of the evening. I have a rough idea what I want to talk about, but in the spirit of collaboration and sharing I thought ‘hey, why not ask the community?‘.

So, this is me, asking you, the community, who will attend IBM Software Forum next Thu., what do you want to hear? what’s interests you? Just comment below, email me dvir at or send @dvirreznik. I’ll do my best to incorporate your wishes in my presentation.

IBM/Lotus User Forum – Summary

Before heading out to army reserve I wanted to post a quick wrap-up of yesterday’s IBM/Lotus User Forum. We had some 45 participants, customers and consultants, who came to hear two customer stories (which included live demo) and a live demo of IBM’s enterprise social software solution, Lotus Connections. Furthermore, it was great meeting, in person, some of my twitter and facebook friends – with all that social, it’s important to keep a personal touch, and actually, well, touching people and shaking hands.

Publicizing the event using social media only, we didn’t know what to expect in terms of attendance, but we were surprised by the number of people arrived, some registered at the day of the event! I’ll post a separate entry about lessons learned at a later date.

Now, the collateral from the user forum:
Dvir Reznik – Welcome Presentation (slides, Hebrew, downloadable)
Sharon Ben Haim, CTO, Ministry of Finance (slides, Hebrew, downloadable)
IBM enterprise social software solution – live demo ( blog)
Event photos (facebook)
IBM event website (presentations will be posted tomorrow)

Here’s the first presentation, my opening notes, from slideshare:

IBM/Lotus User Forum – 3 days away

Been getting a lot of feedback from customers and colleagues about the importance of this user forum, and we definitely plan to host more like it, with 2-3 customer success stories and an IBM demo. The event page at is also live (4 days), where we’ll upload the slides and some pics from the event. The expected attendance is surprising, with some 110 people (!): over 70 RSVPed at FB, others commented at TheMarker Cafe (here, here and here), dozens have either email/text me, and some registered at friendfeed. Amazing!

This is actually the first event at IBM Israel (that I’m aware of at least) that was advertised using social media only, without the traditional DM (direct marketing) tactics – email, distribution lists, advertising, articles, interactive, phone calls, etc. Sometime next week, after we’ll have time to study and evaluate the outcome, I’ll post my impressions (and lessons learnt) of organizing an event using social media only.

In the meantime, I’ve conculded my intro presentation (first slide above), which will be posted after the event at and my slideshare space. The presentations of Sharon Ben Haim (Ministry of Finance) and Gabby Shoval (Menora Insurance) will also be available at

See you all Monday @ 15:30 !

IBM’s ‘Facebook’

Enterprise social software is gaining momentum in Israel towards the end of 2008, a trend that I believe will become stronger in 1H 2009. In a great timing, just before our KM and Collaboration User Forum, where we’ll demo IBM’s social software solution, TheMarker IT published a great article discussing enterprise 2.0 examples, from Deloitte, IBM and Best Buy.

The implementations vary from one company to the next, but the goals are similar: higher employee retention, knowledge sharing, win young talent, support global operations, shorten development cycles and others.

IBM’s Beehive, is a natural evolution of the company world renowned BluePages solution (employee directory), an inhirint part of IBM Intranet (w3):

“Very early on, we recognized the importance of connecting people within IBM and moving beyond a static view of the individual,” says Jeff Schick, vice president of social software. The heavily used directory includes 450,000 employees and gets 6 million lookups per day.

Although Beehive is still experimental, there are already some 38,000 employees (in just 9 months!) actively using Beehive, with actual benefits:

For Michael Ackerbauer, a manager in the CIO’s office at IBM, the results are already in. He learned about Beehive a year ago, and “I quickly got hooked,” he says, especially since he manages a team of developers who work remotely. “It’s valuable for the team to get to know me on a personal level, and I like to get to know them.”

Jeff Schick, VP, Social Software, IBM SWG, provides an advice for companies looking at social software solutions:

“Knowledge workers today have no time to add new activities to their day; they’re looking for how to work smarter,” Schick says. “Poor user adoption is rarely because users didn’t know how but rather didn’t see why.”

If you RSVPed to our user forum event Sep. 8, you’ll have the opportunity to epxerience Beehive first hand, along with Lotus Connections – IBM’s social software for the enterprise solution, which is based on our internal experience. Seating is limited, so RSVP now.

TheMarker IT artilce is a translated (with permission of course) version from The Industry Standard, ‘Social Networking Behind the Firewall‘.

TheMarker IT: IBM’s ‘Facebook’ (Hebrew)
Event: KM and Collaboration User Forum, Sep 8th, IBM Israel
The Industry Standard: Social Networking Behind the Firewall
IBM: Web 2.0 Goes to Work for Business
IntranetBlog: Beehive builds buzz at IBM

Coolest Lotus video

I know, Ed has already written about this, but I just saw it and had to complement my creative Lotus colleagues in the UK for making this a very cool video !

A simple scenario, with a simpler solution – Lotus Collaboration.

Speaking of collaboration, our event page at FB is up and running, KM and Collaboration User Forum. It’s a month and something away, but better be safe (and RSVP now) than sorry.
Speakers list (not final, so don’t blame me for changes):
Bank Hapoalim, Israel Securities Authority, Ministry of Finance, Menora Insurance, TEVA and Standards Institute of Israel.

Lotus on Youtube – Everyone Collaborate, Ed Brill
IBM Lotus Blackout – youtube video
KM and Collaboration User Forum
Lotus Collaboration Solutions

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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