Posts Tagged 'כפר המכביה'

Social media ROI – IT4 Business Event

Tomorrow will be my last lecture as an IBMer, at the 2009 Israel Chamber of Information System Analysts, at Ramat Gan. Similar to last week’s lecture, I’ll be speaking about social media ROI’s, why should a company consider deploying social media solutions, present some customer references and wrap up with IBM’s own deployment story – all in 30min.. :-))
The presentation (in Hebrew) is already available over at slideshare.
My slot is at 12:30 – see you at the event.

During the presentation I referred to Nielsen’s recent report (March 2009) Global Faces and Networked Places (PDF, 2.1MB), pointing out some of the facts about social media in 2008 and beyond. Definitely worth the read.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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