Posts Tagged 'אקספרס'

Collaboration solutions for a start up company

One of IBM’s BP invited me this morning to lecture about our collaboration solutions, at a briefing they held to start ups and SMB companies, under the PC title of ‘building a smarter infrastructure’. Those 30min were an excellent opportunity to expose small and medium business leaders (CEOs, CTOs and CIOs) to what Lotus has to offer, under our Express solutions.

I decided to keep my presentation short and simple (21 slides), showing why collaboration is a factor, even at small companies (<50 people), what the employees are looking for nowadays, how Lotus can help and our strategic position at the market. It was refreshing to see CEOs and CIOs actually taking notes, writing down the prices, doing cost comparison and asking questions. The presentation is available at my slideshare space, and embedded hereunder.
Comments and feedback are always welcome.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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