How was the tweetup last night?

Excellent!!! Thanks for asking 😉

Last night couple of socially connected friends gathered at Cafe Greg, for the 1st official Israeli Twitter Meeting, or tweetup. It was planned in under a week, and I was definitely impressed with the attendance level, especially given the winter weather that Israel is experiencing – 18 people showed up, and I was very pleased.

So, I’d like to thank those who showed up (and if I left someone out, please shout and I’ll amend):
Niv Calderon, Shira Abel, Ezra Butler, Ayelet Noff, Naor Mark, Tal Ater, Israel Blechman, Didi Chanuch, Alex De Carvalho, Vera Sachs, Binyamin Netanyahu, Ahuva Berger, Lior Sion, Sarah Peguine, Dan Peguine, and QassamCount.

Niv already wrote a post about the tweetup and Tal uploaded some photos to fb.

See you at the next tweetup! and Merry Christmas 🙂

0 Responses to “How was the tweetup last night?”

  1. 1 belgort December 26, 2008 at 03:04

    Very cool Dvir. We have Tweetups out here in Portland and they are fantastic. Gayle and I are thinking about coming to Israel. Will keep you posted.

  2. 2 Dvir Reznik December 26, 2008 at 19:25

    Hey Bruce, thanks for the comment!

    It was actually the first we had, officially, at Israel – was very nice. There will be more, people are already asking when’s the next one.

    Give me a heads up before you come, we’ll arrange something together 😉

    Merry Christmas !

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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